[UI/UX] (1) User Interface Design - 10 Usability Heuristics

PD Miles 2024. 4. 18. 18:04


Heuristics - What is 'Heuristics'?

"Typically, 'Heuristics' is used synonymously with 'discovery method'. It describes the process of developing and refining people's thinking by acting according to the situation and intuition at hand, experiencing trials and errors, and thereby moving in a better direction."


We do not hand out detailed user manuals to the users of apps, websites, and games that say 'This is how you use this app'.

Therefore, users face the immediate situation and advance their knowledge through trials and errors incurred by their actions.

As UI/UX designers, it is our job to align with this thought process of the users to help them understand the product as quickly as possible.


Design is not just about making something visually appealing; it also includes the concept of 'designing', which entails designing the information structure as well as user convenience, behavior, and more.


There are ten famous usability heuristics summarized to check if such design has been effectively implemented, and I plan to cover each one in upcoming posts, translating articles by the well-known Jakob Nielsen in the UX field.
