[UI/UX] (4)User control and freedom

PD Miles 2024. 4. 25. 21:00

Imagine you greeted an acquaintance a bit too warmly and suddenly found yourself trapped in a long and tedious conversation.


If you didn't want the conversation in the first place, you'd probably want to leave immediately.


If there was a way to take back that greeting, you might have avoided this boring conversation altogether.

If only you had Doctor Strange's ability to turn back time...

Users must be able to control the system themselves.

The topic of user control and freedom we'll discuss is similar to this scenario.

Users often accidentally select system functions, so there needs to be a clearly marked emergency exit to reverse these mistakes.

Therefore, we should fundamentally support Undo and Redo functions.

A common example is the back and forward buttons found in all web browsers.


Imagine if these buttons didn't exist!

Surfing the web and clicking a button without being sure it will take you where you intended would feel like stepping on a mine every time you click.


Such digital systems must include ways for users to reverse actions when necessary.

It's not just about relying on browser buttons (back and forward); there must be clear ways for users to step back through processes or to cancel everything initiated from a web page.

For instance, when you delete an item from your favorites on Naver Shopping, it asks you again to prevent mistakes.


Accidental touches are common on mobile devices and other touchscreens, making undo or cancel functions particularly important.


For example, Airbnb's registration process is designed to allow reverting all actions.

The function must be clear and intuitive.

The "escape routes" that allow users to revert actions must be clearly marked.

For instance, many iPhone users are unaware that they can shake their device to undo an action!

Hidden features... When you write a message or take an action and shake your phone, an undo option appears.


If users cannot discover a feature, can we really say it exists?


When it's easy for users to revert unwanted processes or actions, it enhances their freedom to use the service. A single undo button can recover any situation.

Therefore, if users can always control the system, they will never be trapped unintentionally.
